
Tuesday, 10 May 2011

The Road to Degree Show - 3

Just back from a private view party at the New Gallery - one of the many rather defunct spaces that doesn't really know how to maximise its real estate opportunities so it does stuff like being an art gallery.

Fair enough - I do not begrudge anything that offers its walls for the encouragement of young, new art. It was a shame that the majority of the work on display was a pile of poo. Again I have nothing essentially against young artists experimenting and pushing their work out there - more power to them! But so much of what was seen on the walls of the gallery/bar/club/venue/cafe was sketchbook at best and at worst just plain bland.

Unfortunately so many of these small student gallery exhibitions go this way - you would be forgiven for asking why bother going at all? Well the secret lies in attending the exhibition specifically during the private view. In doing so it becomes not about the art on the walls (or floor or other geometric space appropriated for installation) but the private viewees.

Typically an art student private view will attract more art students. Self expression will move from the literal art canvas to the figurative canvas of the body as young people arrive at the gallery in whatever outfit or appearance is most ultimately them. We will ignore the fact that many of these looks are reproduced over and over amongst the crowd and instead applaud the individuality of the 80's glam, the casual boho, the moody poet. My personal favourite is the ecclectic trash look which basically involves taking every element of appearance from skin to shoe and trying to make it as trashy as possible.

As for my own choice of outfit - well I go for the 'tropical Ken' look or rather the kooky-older-guy-who-feels-out-of-his-element look. Am I an individual?!?

Parties are great at revealing our inner minds to ourselves. My mind is currently asking whether I have anything relevant to say in a world that, despite being not much younger, feels like lightyears away. And with degree show just around the corner what better time than now to answer that question.

So despite my cynicism and critical eye turned towards tonights private view party I say to all those who I left there chatting away with their cocktails to find your voice and care not a bit whether it is individual enough - find it and use it to shout, sing, protest, debate, praise and laugh. And may it be heard by all.


thekelvingreen said...

Great. I've got to go to one of these soon, and I wasn't worried about what to wear, but I am now!

BenTheFerg said...

a bin liner? bacofoil? a gorilla outfit? To be or not to be? ;)