
Wednesday, 22 June 2011


Righto folks,

The work is up on the walls. I have to say that 5 mins past the deadline I was quite unhappy with my paintings and was prepared to be perfectly miserable about it. But 3 black russians later I remembered to take the stick out of my arse and I decided I actually was most pleased with them - and that's what I have stuck with.

So, tomorrow night (Thursday 23rd June) we will open our degree show (which kicks proper ass) to the unsuspecting public.

I am overhauling aspects of this blog in anticiapation of interested parties coming to see exactly what makes me tick so you will see a new nav bar at the top of the page which may or may not be live by the time you read this. It will link to my gallery where you can see past, present and future projects and links to a news page to catch the latest on my work. The blog side will remain active to record my innermost gibbering. I will also be including an all-about-me page should anyone be interested in ME!

Over the next few days I will be attemtping a video review of the degree show, this is to allow the layman acces to art which may otherwise be a little obscure. My hope is to navigate the complex language present in many of the works in the show and translate it for a public who don't speak arty-farty. Watch this space!

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